• Network And Security Assessment

    Network And Security Assessment

Network and Security Assessment

Network Solutions offered from YKP Systems include Optimizing networks, Ensuring network security, Network auditing services and Complete state of the art video conferencing solutions.

We currently use the best available fire wall solution based on free BSD i.e pfsense. It is a powerf ul, flexible firewall distribution and routing platform, that includes a long list of features and a package system allowing further expandability without adding bloat and pote ntial security vulnerabilities to the base distribution.

Our qualified and experienced engineers are expert in setting up and troubleshooting pfsense with ease. With our firewall services, the risk of intrusion and hacking to your network can be reduced to a minimum.

Some of the features that we can provide with Pfsense:

  • Filtering by source and destination IP, IP protocol, source and destination port for TCP and UDP traffic.

  • A highly flexible routing policy possible by selecting gateway on a per-rule basis (for load balancing, failover, multiple WAN, etc.)

  • Logging traffic for udp and tcp packet on gui console.

  • Network Address Translation (NAT).This saves your public ip and translates the public ip into private ip.

  • DHCP Server and Relay PfSense includes both DHCP Server and Relay functionality.

  • Allow or block ports on the basis of usage.

  • SVG graphs are available that show real time throughout for each interface.

Network Solutions Offered From YKP Systems

We also offer vpn solutions to help in implementing a virtual private network in your organisation in a secure manner, that can potentially be used by employees who require to work from home etc.

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