• Platform As A Service

    Platform As A Service

A cloud computing system that provide platform and environment to allow developers to build applications and services over the Internet in which the users access it via web browser. We provide support and managed services for the infrastructure and applications.

Through our PaaS service, we provide assistance to the developers for the creation of applications and thereby testing and deployment. Most of our services are based on subscription and client usage. Through this, it delivers a low cost service resulting on the basis of sharing the infrastructure.

Our Services

Operating system
Server-side scripting environment
Database management system
Server Software
Network access
Tools for design and development

Our Benefits

Less investment on physical infrastructure
Focus on application development
Provide networking
Provide software support
Makes development possible for ‘non-experts’
Provide management services
Security is provided, including data security and backup and recovery
Offering supplies an operating environment for developing applications
Provide storage